Are personal injuries recoverable in Italy?
The legal regulation of personal injury under Italian law differs from German and English practice. First of all, Italian law recognizes the "danno biologico", or "biological damage".
In a complicated system that takes into account the age of the injured person, the degree of injury based on a kind of limb tax and any permanent damage according to type and severity, compensation amounts are calculated that are considerably higher than the sums awarded in comparable cases in other Countries. You need to know this if, for example, an accident is judged in a German court according to Italian law!
There is also the danno morale, i.e. the "moral damage", a kind of compensation for pain and suffering, although the danno biologico already covers at least part of what is understood by compensation for pain and suffering in Germany. The danno morale is also used in completely different cases, e.g. when claiming damages to a company's image.
In order to arrive at a correct result with regard to the danno biologico, it is always necessary for the injured person to be examined by an Italian doctor licensed for this examination.
The pain and suffering compensation tables commonly used in Germany are not known in Italy. Many courts are guided by a table published by the Regional Court of Milan, in which the parameters of the calculation described above have been incorporated and converted into monetary amounts. However, this table is not binding